Putting a New Twist on an Old Story 4 comments
This week in the Idea Factory we’re playing with a fun and infinitely flexible writing prompt that really builds up your storytelling muscles.
This week in the Idea Factory we’re playing with a fun and infinitely flexible writing prompt that really builds up your storytelling muscles.
The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, […]
The Shipwreck, by Francis Danby, oil on canvas, 1859. “Founder” and “flounder” are similar words that are often confused. Do you know the difference?
A treatment is a full exploration of a story in the form of a detailed story summary. It’s like a preliminary short story version of […]
Ditch the dream and be a doer, not a dreamer. — Shonda Rhimes
Welcome writers to a very special check-in: the first weekly check in of the 2015 writing year!
Before we all leap forward into the new year and the shiny future it promises, this week’s Idea Factory Writing Prompt takes a moment to […]